
LOGO Gessmann

Unidad de control de grúa KST 10

La KST 10 es una silla de control de grúa giratoria de diseño ergonómico que proporciona un alto grado de comodidad.

Carcasa de brazos
Los brazos están compuestos por cajas de chapa de acero ajustadas vertical y horizontalmente.

La disposición de los joysticks, indicadores y dispositivos de control es personalizable según especificaciones del cliente.
El cableado pasa por un conducto transversal. (Bloque de terminales)
Dispone de carcasas especiales bajo pedido.

Asiento del operador
El KST 10 está equipado de serie con un asiento KFS 11.

Este asiento está equipado con sistema hidráulico de absorción de vibraciones y cuenta con con ajuste de peso, reposabrazos y reposacabezas.

Existe la opción de tener el asiento cubierto con cuero artificial permeable al aire.

Base giratoria
La base, incluido el asiento del conductor, es abatible hacia adelante.
De este modo, se puede acceder fácilmente a todos los cables, casquillos y terminales durante la puesta en marcha o el mantenimiento.
La base giratoria permite el giro y puede ser bloqueada con freno.

Tratamiento superficial de capa base y barniz texturizado con color estándar RAL 9011 negro

LOGO Gessmann

Crane control unit KST 19

The KST 19 is an ergonomically designed swiveling crane control chair
which provides a high degree of comfort.

Equipment boxes
The sheet steel equipment boxes are vertically and horizontally
adjusted. The arrangement of the joysticks, indicators and control
devices is customised according to customer specifications.
Cabling is run through aduct in the cross-member. (Terminal block)
Special boxes available upon request.

Driver seat
As standard the KST 19 is fitted with a KFS 10 seat. The seat itself
is fitted with a pneumatic vibration absorption system complete with
weight adjustment to ensure that the comfort level is fitted with armrests
and a headrest. There is the option to have the seat covered with
air-permeable artificial leather.

Cross-member with swivel base
The cover of the sheet steel cross-member including the driver’s seat is
forward foldable.
Thereby all wirings, terminals and bushings are easily accessible during
commissioning and maintenance.
Swivel base has zero-clearance bearing and can be locked by a friction

Surface treatment
Base coat and textured varnish
Standard colour RAL 7000 squirrel grey

LOGO Gessmann

Crane control unit KST 4

The KST 4 is an ergonomically designed swiveling crane control chair which provides a high degress of comfort.

Equipment boxes
The sheet steel equipment boxes are vertically and horizontally adjusted. The arrangement of the joysticks, indicators and control devices is customised according to customer specifications.
Cabling is run through aduct in the cross-member. (Terminal block)
Special boxes available upon request.

Driver seat
As standard the KST 4 is fitted with a KFS 11 seat. The seat itself is fitted with a hydraulic vibration absorption system complete with weight adjustment to ensure that the comfort level is fitted with armrests and a headrest. There is the option to have the seat covered with air-permeable artificial leather.

Cross-member with swivel base
The cover of the sheet steel cross-member including the driver’s seat is forward foldable.
Thereby all wirings, terminals and bushings are easily accessible during commissioning and maintenance. Swivel base has zero-clearance bearing and can be locked by a friction brake.

Surface treatment
Base coat and textured varnish
Standard colour RAL 9011 black

KST51 3
LOGO Gessmann

Crane control unit KST 5

The KST 5 is an ergonomically designed swiveling crane control chair which provides a high degree of comfort.

Equipment boxes
The equipment boxes are made from sheet steel and as standard have a hinged lid with locking feature. This allows for easy inspection and maintenance. The side of the equipment boxes is as standard fitted with an inspection plate which again is lockable. The arrangement of the joystick, indicators and control devices is cutomised according to customer specifications. This combined with the custom sized and profiled equipment boxes that are available means that the KST 5 is very flexible and customisable solution.

Driver seat
As standard the KST 5 is fitted with a KFS 11 seat. The seat itself is fitted with a hydraulic vibration absorption system complete with weight adjustment to ensure that the comfort level is fitted with armrests and a headrest. There is the option to have the seat covered with air-permeable artificial leather.

Cross-member with swivel base
The cover of the sheet steel cross-member including the driver’s seat is forward foldable.
Thereby all wirings, terminals and bushings are easily accessible during commissioning and maintenance. Swivel base has zero-clearance bearing and can be locked by a friction brake.

Surface treatment 
Base coat and textured varnish
Standard colour RAL 9011 black

LOGO Gessmann

Crane control unit KST 6

The KST 6 is an ergonomically designed swiveling crane control chair which provides a high degree of comfort.

Equipment boxes:
The sheet steel equipment boxes are vertically and horizontally
adjusted. The arrangement of the joysticks, indicators and control
devices is customised according to customer specifications.
Cabling is run through adcut in the cross-member. (Terminal block)

Driver seat
As standard the KST 6 is fitted with a KFS 11 seat. The seat itself is fitted with a hydraulic vibration absorption system complete with weight adjustment to ensure that the comfort level is fitted with armrests and a headrest. There is the option to have the seat covered with
air-permeable artificial leather.

Cross-member with swivel base
The cover of the sheet steel cross-member including the driver’s seat is forward foldable.
Thereby all wirings, terminals and bushings are easily accessible during commissioning and maintenance.
Swivel base has zero-clearance bearing and can be locked by a friction brake.

Surface treatment
Base coat and textured varnish
Standard colour RAL 9011 black

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LOGO Gessmann

Crane control unit KST 7

The KST 7 is an ergonomically designed swiveling crane control chair which provides a high degree of comfort.

Equipment boxes
The equipment boxes are made from sheet steel and as standard have a hinged lid with locking feature. This allows for easy inspection and maintenance. The side of the equipment boxes is as standard fitted with an inspection plate which again is lockable. The arrangement of the joystick, indicators and control devices is cutomised according to customer specifications. This combined with the custom sized and profiled equipment boxes that are available means that the KST 7 is very flexible and customisable solution.

Driver seat
The tipped spring mounted seat KFS 4 is fit with an hydraulic vibration absorption system incl. weight adjustment. With the folding spring mounted seat you can also arrive your workplace in small cabins.

Base plate
The cran control unit is available with or without base plate.

Surface treatment
Base coat and textured varnish
Standard colour RAL 7032 pebble-grey

LOGO Gessmann

Crane control unit KST 8

The KST 8 is an ergonomically designed swiveling crane control chair which provides a high degree of comfort.

Equipment boxes:
The sheet steel equipment boxes are vertically and horizontally adjusted. The arrangement of the joysticks, indicators and control devices is customised according to customer specifications.
Cabling is run through aduct in the cross-member. (Terminal block)
Special boxes available upon request.

Driver seat:
As standard the KST 8 is fitted with a KFS 11 seat. The seat itself is fitted with a hydraulic vibration absorption system complete with weight adjustment to ensure that the comfort level is fitted with armrests and a headrest. There is the option to have the seat covered with air-permeable artificial leather.

Cross member with swivel base:
The cover of the sheet steel cross-member including the driver’s seat is forward foldable.
Thereby all wirings, terminals and bushings are easily accessible during commissioning and maintenance.
Swivel base has zero-clearance bearing and can be locked by a friction brake.

Surface treatment:
Base coat and textured varnish
Standard colour RAL 9011 black

KST85  neu
LOGO Gessmann

Crane control unit KST 85

The KST 85 is an ergonomically designed swiveling crane control chair which provides a high degree of comfort.

Equipment boxes
The sheet steel equipment boxes are vertically and horizontally
adjusted. The arrangement of the joysticks, indicators and control
devices is customised according to customer specifications.
Cabling is run through aduct in the cross-member. (Terminal block)
Special boxes available upon request.

Driver seat
The comfortable spring mounted seat KFS 85 with roller-bearing swivel systems.

Heating console
Cover with 2 steps heating (2×2 kW 400V AC) with integrated
ventilator. The cover of the heating cover can be tilted forward to reach the terminal block of the heating and cable execution.

Surface treatment
Base coat and textured varnish
Standard colour RAL 9011 black